Reinier van Houdt performs “The Arrow of Time”

Dear friends,

In anticipation of the release of my new album The Arrow of Time through New World Records, I am again working with the fantastic Dutch pianist Reinier van Houdt who will be live-streaming the title track as part of the Chicago-based Experimental Sound Studio’s series The Quarantine Concerts. The event will stream from Amsterdam on the ESS Twitch page starting at 8pm (Amsterdam) or 1pm (CST) — or 2pm (EST) for people on the East Coast like me.

The program (with one possible addition) is as follows:

Anne La Berge (US/NL): Just Before The Rain (for ensemble and electronics) 8 min

Jordan Dykstra (US): The Arrow of Time (for piano, siren and tape) 22 min

Aurélie Nyirabikali Lierman (RW/BE): Organo (for voice and two bass clarinets)  30 min


Anne La Berge (US/NL), flute & electronics

Aurélie Nyirabikali Lierman (RW/BE), voice & electronics

Abel Fazekas (HU), bass clarinet

Riccardo Marogna (IT), bass clarinet

Reinier van Houdt (NL), piano & siren

For now,


Click for link to the ESS webpage


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