Bill Gates’ “Welcome to Mosquito City!”

Dear friends,

I’m pleased to share a video, produced by Bill Gates for his GatesNotes blog, which features two licensed tracks I co-composed for the Magnolia Pictures film Hail Satan? (dir. Penny Lane, 2019). The video — which deals with fighting malaria in Tanzania — is called “Welcome to Mosquito City!” According to their reporting, Mosquito City is in “a region of Tanzania that’s hot, humid, and swampy. In other words—perfect conditions for its primary residents. Malaria has been so widespread in this part of the country—once infecting 80 percent of the population—that one meaning of the name of the local town, Ifakara, is, ‘the place people go to die.’”

Please enjoy,



Sounding “An Unrhymed Chord”


Reinier van Houdt performs “The Arrow of Time”