Plot to Overturn the Election
Dear Friends,
I am pleased to announce I have made the score for the first episode of the 2022 season of FRONTLINE called “Plot to Overturn the Election.” The episode will air on Tuesday, March 29 on your local PBS station and will be streaming on their website, as well (their YouTube page will also archive the full documentary). The episode was written and directed by Sam Black and the correspondent A. C. Thompson — who I the opportunity to work with on the Documenting Hate episodes — is the journalist and interviewer. I think it will have wide appeal, as it carefully examines the myth of “the big lie” (that Trump actually won the 2020 election). From the FRONTLINE website:
A year after President Joe Biden’s inauguration, around two-thirds of Republican voters believe his election was illegitimate, and the idea that the 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump is now a defining issue of the Republican Party. Yet the story of how lies about election fraud made their way to the center of American politics has not been fully told.
In a new investigative collaboration, FRONTLINE and ProPublica trace the hidden sources of misinformation about the 2020 election, demonstrating how a handful of people have had an outsized impact on the current U.S. crisis of democratic legitimacy.
For now,
P. S. I’m sharing some snippets from the score below!